There is a limited number of each letter available, just like in
the game Scrabble. If you preferred a letter which has already been
depleated by the preceding draft rounds, we must defer to your
next-highest preference.
Letter Distributions
Can I draft the same letter more than once?
Yes. If you really like some letter and you want to lean into
that, feel free to enter it more than once in your preferences.
(If you end up drafting the letter twice you will get double the
points on any applicable scoring plays.)
Do I get points if anyone with my letter in their last name
No, only if that player is on the same team as the letter you
If there is a scoring passing play, do I get points for the
passer or the receiver's last name?
Receiver only.
Which player gets the points for field goals and extra points?
The kicker!
Do hyphenated last names and suffixes count?
Yes, all letters in a hyphenated last name count and so do "Jr."
or "III" <- those count as the letter i.
What gives with this 6 points per touchdown thing?
A touchdown is 6 points. If an extra point kick is scored after
the touchdown, that point goes to the kicker.
We hope you have enjoyed using Big Game Letterbox 2025.